Getting the right amount of sunlight
The most natural way to ensure adequate vitamin D levels is through regular sun exposure. To maintain healthy levels, try to spend 10-30 minutes in the midday sun several times a week. People with darker skin may need slightly longer exposure times. It’s important to consider your skin’s sensitivity to sunlight and avoid getting sunburned.
There are various factors that can impact your body’s ability to produce vitamin D from sunlight, such as the time of day, skin color, distance from the equator, amount of skin exposed, and use of sunscreen. For instance, those who live further from the equator may need more sun exposure due to weaker UV rays. In the winter months, when sunlight is limited, they may need to supplement with vitamin D or consume foods rich in this nutrient.
If you plan on spending an extended period in the sun, it’s recommended to apply sunscreen after 10-30 minutes of unprotected exposure to reduce the risk of sunburn and skin cancer.